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When building a business you need to have both soft creative skills and hardcore strategic business skills. The combination is a must in a world that is ever changing. Basically it is the same combination of knowledge and skills that I also recommend to bigger businesses, but of course, it is different when you are only one or few people in the business organization.
I have been part of an entrepreneurial initiative in Spinderihallerne, Vejle (DK) and have been working with more than 150 entrepreneurs. Besides that, I have also researched in entrepreneurship. There are various ideas about what and how to do, but I accentuate that you need to take a point in departure in your own values, talents, and passion, which is the road to a unique business idea and business plan. Uniqueness is key!
Besides that, you need basic business understanding (like business modeling, service design etc). You also need to develop a creative mindset, how to reframe problems into problems that are easier to solve, or how to create new possibilities instead of choosing among existing ones etc. Value Management is pivotal, as you have to understand values in various context, you own, how to transform them into a value proposition you can offer your customers, how to design and create a value proposition that fits your customers etc. Here you need to train empathy and to do research in the real world.
- Basic business understanding (business modeling etc.)
- Creative, strategic mindset and skills (create possibilities, reframe problems, visual skills etc)
- Value Management – knowledge about values and how to understand, create and manage values in various contexts.
Depending on your challenges and opportunities, we can design a talk, a workshop or a process that fits your needs.[/minti_box][/vc_column][/vc_row]